Dividing property after separation.
A property settlement can deal with all types of property, debts and types of financial resources.
Separation and divorce for both married and de facto relationships.
Separation usually means living apart from one another, while divorce is the legal ending of a marriage.
Arrangements for children after separation.
The Family Law Act ensures that parenting arrangements are made in the best interests of the children.
A Consent Order is a Court Order in which both parties agree to settle their disagreements outside of the Courts.
This type of settlement is common to deal with parenting and property issues.
A Financial Agreement is a contract made between two or more parties for married and de facto relationships addressing aspects of their financial relationship.
Financial Agreements can be entered into before, during or after the marriage.
Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviour in a relationship used to obtain or carry on control or power by one partner over the other.
When dealing with parenting issues, the Family Court provides greater weight to the need to protect the children from physical and psychological harm over the children having a meaningful relationship with both parents.
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